Eve Online Pi Planer

Planetary Interaction (PI) is the process by which raw materials are extracted from planets for use in various components and commodities which are used throughout New Eden. If players find that they can't create any colonies then it's possible they may have reached their colony limit. This would be reflected in the message 'Unable to Build. The most important part of PI is planning! You should start with an end goal: for instance, 'I want to make Robotics (P3) for fuel blocks for the alliance' or 'I want to build Mobile Depots, which require 3x Smartfab Units (P3), 1x Nuclear Reactors (P3), 3x Guidance Systems (P3) and 1x High-tech Transmitters (P3).' Jumpplanner 2.4.7. Ship: Panther Redeemer Sin Widow Rorqual Archon Chimera Nidhoggur Thanatos Moros Naglfar Phoenix Revelation Anshar Ark Nomad Rhea Aeon Hel Nyx Revenant Wyvern Avatar Erebus Leviathan Ragnarok. Jump Drive Calibration. EVE Planetary Planner is a small tool I create to have a quick and easy overview of Planetary Interaction in EVE Online. Planetary interaction is not very complicated by itself. But it still easy to get lost along the production line, and make mistakes that could cost you, or your corp, millions or billions of ISKs.

(Redirected from Index.html)
www.wikipedia.org, the index of Wikipedia, a multilingual online encyclopedia. Here the website's home page offers many different languages.

When an HTTP client (generally a web browser) requests a URL that points to a directory structure instead of an actual web page within the directory, the web server will generally serve a default page, which is often referred to as a main or 'index' page.

A common filename for such a page is index.html, but most modern HTTP servers offer a configurable list of filenames that the server can use as an index. If a server is configured to support server-side scripting, the list will usually include entries allowing dynamic content to be used as the index page (e.g. index.php, index.shtml, index.jsp, default.asp) even though it may be more appropriate to still specify the HTML output (index.html.php or index.html.aspx), as this should not be taken for granted. An example is the popular open source web server Apache, where the list of filenames is controlled by the DirectoryIndex[1] directive in the main server configuration file or in the configuration file for that directory. It is possible to make do without file extensions at all, and be neutral to content delivery methods, and set the server to automatically pick the best file through content negotiation.

If the server is unable to find a file with any of the names listed in its configuration, it may either return an error (generally 404 Not Found) or generate its own index page listing the files in the directory. It may also return a 403 Index Listing Forbidden. Usually this option is also configurable.

Eve Online Planetary Interaction Pdf


A scheme where web server serves a default file on per-subdirectory basis has been supported as early as NCSA HTTPd 0.3beta (22 April 1993),[2] which defaults to serve index.html file in the directory.[2][3] This scheme has been then adopted by CERN HTTPd since at least 2.17beta (5 April 1994), which its default supports Welcome.html and welcome.html in addition to the NCSA-originated index.html.[4]

Later web servers typically support this default file scheme in one form or another; this is usually configurable, with index.html being one of the default file names.[5][6][7]


In some cases, the home page of a website can be a menu of language options for large sites that use geo targeting. It is also possible to avoid this step, for example by using content negotiation.

In cases where no index.html exists within a given directory, the web server may be configured to provide an automatically-generated listing of the files within the directory instead. With the Apache web server, for example, this behavior is provided by the mod_autoindex module[8] and controlled by the Options +Indexes directive[9] in the web server configuration files. These automated directory listings are sometimes a security risk because they enumerate sensitive files which may not be intended for public access, in a process known as a directory indexing attack.[10] Such a security misconfiguration[11] may also assist in other attacks, such as a path or directory traversal attack.[12]


  1. ^'mod_dir - Apache HTTP Server'. httpd.apache.org. Retrieved 2014-05-30.
  2. ^ ab'WWW-Talk Apr-Jun 1993: NCSA httpd version 0.3'. 1997.webhistory.org.
  3. ^'NCSA HTTPd DirectoryIndex'. January 31, 2009. Archived from the original on January 31, 2009.
  4. ^'Change History of W3C httpd'. June 5, 1997. Archived from the original on June 5, 1997.
  5. ^'mod_dir - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4 § DirectoryIndex Directive'. httpd.apache.org. Archived from the original on 2020-11-12. Retrieved 2021-01-13.
  6. ^'NGINX Docs | Serving Static Content'. docs.nginx.com. Archived from the original on 2020-11-11. Retrieved 2021-01-13.
  7. ^'Default Document <defaultDocument> | Microsoft Docs'. docs.microsoft.com. Archived from the original on 2020-12-08. Retrieved 2021-01-13.
  8. ^'mod_autoindex - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4'. httpd.apache.org. Retrieved 2021-01-13.
  9. ^'core - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4 § Options Directive'. httpd.apache.org. Retrieved 2021-01-13.
  10. ^'IBM Docs'. IBM. 2021-03-08. Retrieved 2021-05-07.
  11. ^'A6:2017-Security Misconfiguration'. OWASP. Retrieved 2021-05-07.
  12. ^'Path Traversal'. OWASP. Retrieved 2021-05-07.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Webserver_directory_index&oldid=1021889981'

Eve Online Pi Planner 2020

Eve Online Pi Planner

Eve Online Pi Diagram

Eve Online Pi Factory Planet

Green numbers mean better values, yellow numbers mean mediocre values, and red numbers mean worse values.For example, a green sale price means a cheaper price compared to average prices, a green buy price means an expensive price.The numbers are calculated for each commodity separately based on other market characteristics of the commodity and do not depend on the characteristics of other commodities.
Click on a commodity icon to open a third-party site.
Move the mouse over a commodity to highlight its possible relation to other ones.Hold Alt key to ignore mouse movement.
Click on the planets buttons at the bottom of the frame to enable/disable their related resources and see what can and can't still be produced on different combinations.Double click on planet button activates this planet, double click on single active planet activates all planets.
You can also individually select the commodities when clicking on them to combine them and highlight their possible output.
To help you with that, you can then press I to select all the inputs of a commodity, O for all its outputs, and P for all its pairable commodities.Press again the same key to revert selection, make double click on background near commodities to revert all selections.
Video Tutorials (YouTube)
UniWiki Planetary Interaction (EVE University)
Send feedback, any ideas, bug reports, feature requests, etc (e-mail)